Saturday, October 1, 2011

Cause and Effect: Friendly Letter

                                                                                    October 5, 2010

Dear Mom and Dad,

            I want to thank you for always helping Scott and me with our condo, for babysitting Elizabeth, and for taking care of our family for so many years. First, thank you for everything you do to help Scott and me with our condo. I appreciate you taking time last night on your way home from the airport to install the new crib and fix the electrical outlet. We are so excited to get the nursery fixed up before the new baby comes! Also, thank you for installing the safety gates several weeks ago. It makes life a lot easier when I don’t have to chase Elizabeth out of the kitchen all the time. Second, thank you for your willingness to babysit Elizabeth. It’s so great that Scott and I can leave the baby with someone we trust while we go out on our dates, and Elizabeth loves to go for walks with you to see the animals at the barn, to play with the blocks and other toys at your house, and to have Dad show her all the pictures. Finally, thank you for taking care of our family for so many years. Dad, thank you for working so hard for thirty years to support our family financially. And Mom, thank you for staying home with us, cooking our meals, and taking care of the house for more than twenty-eight years now. Now that I’m a parent, I am beginning to understand the many sacrifices that you made for us. I love you both; thank you so much!


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