Saturday, October 22, 2011

Division-Classification: In-Class Writing

Three Attitudes toward Learning in My Wednesday Night Class
            In my Wednesday night class, I see three different student attitudes: proactive, semiengaged, and totally uninterested. The first student attitude that I see is a proactive; these students are a pleasure to have in the class. One example of a proactive student is Alex. He always arrives a few minutes early so that they can get a head start on the quiz. When it is time for class discussion, I can always count on Alex to raise his hand and participate. During the lecture, he listens carefully and takes notes. If he doesn’t understand something, he asks a question and clarifies. A second student attitude in my Wednesday night class is semiengaged; the majority of students fall into this category. One semiengaged student is Alyssa. Alyssa attends class every week, but I don’t think I’ve ever heard her say anything. She is usually paying attention during the lecture, but sometimes I catch her doing other things, like homework or texting or surfing the Web. She completes all of her assignments, but she doesn’t do anything extra to make herself stand out. A final student attitude is uninterested. One example of an uninterested student in my Wednesday night class is Neal. He misses class regularly, and he turns his assignments in late every time. He never participates in discussions, and during lectures he is often texting or checking Facebook. This is unfortunate, because it really affects his grade. Proactive, semiengaged, and uninterested students can be found in almost any classroom, and my Wednesday nigth class is no exception.

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